Level 1 Set 1 1. Hello & Goodbye L1.1 2a. Numbers(1) 1 to 5 L1.1 2b. Numbers(1) 1 to 5 L1.1 (Video) 2c. Numbers RESOURCE SHEET L1.1 3a. Body Parts & Actions L1.1 3b. Body Parts & Actions L1.1 (Video) 3c. Body Parts & Actions L1.1 (PPT) 4a. Colours L1.1 4b. Colours L1.1 (Video) 5a. This and That L1.1 5b. This and That L1.1 (Video) 6a. Fruits (1) L1.1 6b. Fruits (1) L1.1 (Video) 6c. Fruits (1) L1.1 (PPT) 6d. Fruits (2) L1.1 (Video) 6e. Fruits (2) L1.1 (PPT) 7a. Vegetables L1.1 7b. Vegetables L1.1 (Video) 8. Family L1.1 9. I Am/He Is/She Is L1.1 10a. Jobs L 1.1 10b. Jobs L1.1 (Video) 11. Big and Small L1.1 12a. Vehicles L1.1 12b. Vehicles L1.1 (PPT) 13a. A & An FOR TEACHERS 13b. Articles RESOURCE SHEET From L2.1