Level 2 Set 2 1a. What Are You Doing? (2) L2.2 1b. Verb + ing the Ball L2.2 (Video) 2. Animals (2) L2.2 3. Daily Routine/What Do You Do Every Day? L2.2 4. Am I...? Are You/We/They...? Is He/She/It...? L2.2 5. About Myself L2.2 6. School L2.2 7. Where Is It? L2.2 8. Clothes L2.2 9. Vehicles L2.2 10a. Opposites L2.2 10b. RESOURCE SHEET Big/Small/Tall/Short/Long L2.2 11. Magic Words L2.2 12. House L2.2 13. Feelings L2.2 14. Places L2.2 15. Days of the Week L2.2 16. Months of the Year L2.2 17. Sports L2.2